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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Southern African Archaeology Student Society (SAASS)?


​This society serves as a community for students and early career professionals. It is a Southern African Development Community (SADC) organisation that allows members to network with researchers and SAASS members exposing them to heritage studies and archaeological research in the SADC region. Additionally, where possible SAASS members will be allowed to gain laboratory and practical field skills as well as funding and professional membership opportunities.


What is the Southern African Development Community (SADC)?


The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a Regional Economic Community that comprises 16 Member States, namely,  Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (FIG). The SADC aims to promote equitable and sustainable socio-economic development and economic growth through deeper cooperation and integration, durable peace and security, efficient and productive systems, and good governance. Thus, enabling the SADC region to emerge as an effective and competitive role player in international relations and the world economy (Member States | SADC). 




SADC region

What is the Southern African Archaeology Student Council (SAASC)?


The Southern African Archaeology Student Council (SAASC) was established in 2013 to represent and support SAASS members. 

The SAASC aims to:

  • Advance collegiality to foster a sense of belonging and promote collaboration among SADC students and early career professionals

  • Support transformation and decolonisation of the discipline by providing an equitable and inclusive platform for emerging voices

  • Provide access to and facilitate opportunities and resources by engaging with relevant stakeholders and the SAASS members for continued growth, enrichment, and development

  • Host an annual Student Development Workshop (SDW). 





What is the Annual Student Development Workshop (SDW)?


​The Annual Student Development Workshop (SDW) was an idea conceived by the SAASS co-founders Dr Tim Forssman and Dr Matt Lotter in 2011. At this time, Tim and Matt were students attending an ASAPA conference. During this conference, they realised that there was fundamental gap in the inclusion of students and the development of essential skills that would allow them to have successful careers. This resulted in the development of the Annual Student Development Workshop which has been held every year since its inception in 2013. 

The workshop which includes senior undergraduate, postgraduate, and early career professionals who are registered SAASS members has introduced attendees to various archaeological and heritage careers, skill-based and funding workshops, round-table discussions, and networking opportunities, to name a few.


The workshop aims to bring SAASS members from around the SADC region together, to teach valuable and fundamental skills that may be overlooked in the university lecture theatre. Since its inception, the ASAPA-PAST-GENUS-sponsored SDW has shown itself to be an invaluable step in the lives of aspiring archaeologists and heritage specialists.

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